Yoga Class Schedule (Mobile)

Upcoming Classes

February 13, 2025
  • Debbie, Basic Yoga

    February 13, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Michael, T'ai Chi

    February 13, 2025  2:00 pm3:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Beginning level, all levels welcome, wear comfortable clothes.

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February 14, 2025
  • Marsha, Chair Yoga

    February 14, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Bill, Men's Yoga

    February 14, 2025  12:00 pm1:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Maddie, Finally Friday

    February 14, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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February 15, 2025
  • Lori, Basic Yoga

    February 15, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Angelica, Básica en Español Yoga

    February 15, 2025  11:30 am12:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Explora los beneficios de yoga asana, o la practica física de yoga. 

    Yoga es una práctica que conecta el cuerpo, la respiración y la mente.  

    Estas clases son para todos niveles, incluyendo personas sin experiencia. 

    No se requiere ser flexible. 

    Las clases incluirán movimientos que ayudan con el balance, estiramiento, fortalecimiento, la respiración, y relajación.

    En nuestro estudio, tenemos mantas de yoga que pueden usar durante la clase.

    Las clases serán en español o bilingües, los sábados a las 11:30 de la mañana. 

    Es recomendable que usen ropa cómoda durante la clase. 

    Los niños y niñas de 8 años en adelante son bienvenidos a participar con sus padres. 

    Costo de las clases: las clases son gratis, pero si gustan patrocinar, cualquier cantidad es bienvenida. 

    No hay que pre-registrase o inscribirse, simplemente llegue al comienzo de la clase, abrimos las puertas 5 a 15 minutos antes de empezar la clase. 

    Al entrar, hay un libro en donde anotar su nombre, esto nos ayuda a contar el número de personas que participan en las clases. 

    Si gustan, pueden agregar su correo electrónico para recibir el boletín informativo de YOCO por correo electrónico. 

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  • Ecstatic Dance, DJ Hunter and Amanda

    February 15, 2025  7:00 pm9:00 pm

    Self-expression through free-form dance, where dancers move freely to the rhythm. Participants dance alone or with partner/s, with or without physical contact.  Beginning and ending with a facilitated group circle, and guided by a musician blending various music styles together into a seamless flow of cultural exposure.  Share in an evening of co-created community and joyful self-expression.

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February 16, 2025
  • Maddie, Basic Yoga

    February 16, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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February 17, 2025
  • Bill, Basic Yoga

    February 17, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Lori, Slow Flow Vinyasa

    February 17, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    To start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting:
    passcode 266399

    Sponsored by YVM Healthy for Life.
    1. Masks optional for all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with sanitizing all high touch surfaces.
    3. Prop room open; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible.

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  • Lori, Yin Yoga

    February 17, 2025  6:45 pm7:45 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380, Yakima

    Slow-moving with long holds and juicy stretches intended to increase joint mobility and hydrate fascial webs. It’s also highly meditative and introspective, offering plenty of time and space for you to draw your awareness inside.

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February 18, 2025
  • Marsha, Basic Yoga

    February 18, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

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  • Sabra, Belly Dance

    February 18, 2025  6:00 pm7:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    All are welcome. No experience needed. Masks optional.

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  • Thai Massage

    February 18, 2025  7:15 pm9:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Come join us for an evening of Thai Massage. You’re in for a treat! 

    Thai massage is an easy massage practice between a giver and a receiver. We will lead you through a massage sequence using techniques that include pulling, stretching, pressing and rocking movements to send your partner into 30 minutes of bliss and deep relaxation. Then we will switch and the giver will become the receiver for the next 30 minutes.

    Bring a partner or come by yourself and partner up at class. Get ready for your body, mind and spirit to feel rejuvenated and restored.

    Wear comfortable clothing, such as exercise clothes or your pajamas!

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February 19, 2025
  • Cindy, Chair Yoga

    February 19, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Fiona, Basic Yoga

    February 19, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    Sponsored by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.  Class is in English.
    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    Patrocinado por YVM Healthy for Life. La clase es en inglés y español.
    1. Máscaras ahora opcionales durante todas las clases en interiores.
    2. Seguimos con el distanciamiento físico y la higienización.
    3. Espacio de utilería abierto para algunos materiales; los estudiantes limpian los accesorios después de cada uso. Limpiar botellas de spray y toallas por la puerta de la habitación de utilería.
    4. Traiga sus propios accesorios si es posible. Por favor traiga toallas para cubrir las sillas de yoga.

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February 20, 2025
  • Debbie, Basic Yoga

    February 20, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Michael, T'ai Chi

    February 20, 2025  2:00 pm3:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Beginning level, all levels welcome, wear comfortable clothes.

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February 21, 2025
  • Marsha, Chair Yoga

    February 21, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Bill, Men's Yoga

    February 21, 2025  12:00 pm1:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Fiona, Finally Friday

    February 21, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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February 22, 2025
  • Maddie, Basic Yoga

    February 22, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Maria, Básica en Español Yoga

    February 22, 2025  11:30 am12:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Explora los beneficios de yoga asana, o la practica física de yoga. 

    Yoga es una práctica que conecta el cuerpo, la respiración y la mente.  

    Estas clases son para todos niveles, incluyendo personas sin experiencia. 

    No se requiere ser flexible. 

    Las clases incluirán movimientos que ayudan con el balance, estiramiento, fortalecimiento, la respiración, y relajación.

    En nuestro estudio, tenemos mantas de yoga que pueden usar durante la clase.

    Las clases serán en español o bilingües, los sábados a las 11:30 de la mañana. 

    Es recomendable que usen ropa cómoda durante la clase. 

    Los niños y niñas de 8 años en adelante son bienvenidos a participar con sus padres. 

    Costo de las clases: las clases son gratis, pero si gustan patrocinar, cualquier cantidad es bienvenida. 

    No hay que pre-registrase o inscribirse, simplemente llegue al comienzo de la clase, abrimos las puertas 5 a 15 minutos antes de empezar la clase. 

    Al entrar, hay un libro en donde anotar su nombre, esto nos ayuda a contar el número de personas que participan en las clases. 

    Si gustan, pueden agregar su correo electrónico para recibir el boletín informativo de YOCO por correo electrónico. 

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  • Singing Bowls Sound Bath with Mike

    February 22, 2025  1:30 pm2:30 pm

    Lay or sit during this session. Join Mike Ernst for the deeply relaxing and powerfully healing experience that is alchemy sound healing. This sounds bath will promote stress and anxiety relief by soothing the nervous system and removing mental blockages.

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February 23, 2025
  • Carol, Basic Yoga

    February 23, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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February 24, 2025
  • Bill, Basic Yoga

    February 24, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Lori, Slow Flow Vinyasa

    February 24, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    To start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting:
    passcode 266399

    Sponsored by YVM Healthy for Life.
    1. Masks optional for all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with sanitizing all high touch surfaces.
    3. Prop room open; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible.

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  • Lori, Yin Yoga

    February 24, 2025  6:45 pm7:45 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380, Yakima

    Slow-moving with long holds and juicy stretches intended to increase joint mobility and hydrate fascial webs. It’s also highly meditative and introspective, offering plenty of time and space for you to draw your awareness inside.

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February 25, 2025
  • Marsha, Basic Yoga

    February 25, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

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  • Sabra, Belly Dance

    February 25, 2025  6:00 pm7:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    All are welcome. No experience needed. Masks optional.

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  • AcroYoga

    February 25, 2025  7:15 pm9:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Acroyoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. Acroyoga includes many types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted. As such, it also draws on traditions of circus arts, cheerleading, and dance acro. Acroyoga separates into lunar and solar AcroYoga. Solar Acro Yoga embraces dynamic and acrobatic elements and focuses on building strength, trust, and communication between partners. It involves inversions, acrobatic sequences, and synchronized movements that challenge and invigorate. Lunar acro yoga incorporates elements of massage, stretching, and deep relaxation. 
    No experience necessary. Everyone is welcome. Please wear regular yoga attire and bring some water. If you have, bring a yoga mat and yoga blanket. There are some to borrow at the studio if you like.

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February 26, 2025
  • Cindy, Chair Yoga

    February 26, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Fiona, Basic Yoga

    February 26, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    Sponsored by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.  Class is in English.
    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    Patrocinado por YVM Healthy for Life. La clase es en inglés y español.
    1. Máscaras ahora opcionales durante todas las clases en interiores.
    2. Seguimos con el distanciamiento físico y la higienización.
    3. Espacio de utilería abierto para algunos materiales; los estudiantes limpian los accesorios después de cada uso. Limpiar botellas de spray y toallas por la puerta de la habitación de utilería.
    4. Traiga sus propios accesorios si es posible. Por favor traiga toallas para cubrir las sillas de yoga.

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February 27, 2025
  • Debbie, Basic Yoga

    February 27, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Cancelled today, T'ai Chi

    February 27, 2025  2:00 pm3:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Beginning level, all levels welcome, wear comfortable clothes.

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February 28, 2025
  • Marsha, Chair Yoga

    February 28, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Bill, Men's Yoga

    February 28, 2025  12:00 pm1:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Jami, Finally Friday

    February 28, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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March 1, 2025
  • TBA, Basic Yoga

    March 1, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Maria, Básica en Español Yoga

    March 1, 2025  11:30 am12:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Explora los beneficios de yoga asana, o la practica física de yoga. 

    Yoga es una práctica que conecta el cuerpo, la respiración y la mente.  

    Estas clases son para todos niveles, incluyendo personas sin experiencia. 

    No se requiere ser flexible. 

    Las clases incluirán movimientos que ayudan con el balance, estiramiento, fortalecimiento, la respiración, y relajación.

    En nuestro estudio, tenemos mantas de yoga que pueden usar durante la clase.

    Las clases serán en español o bilingües, los sábados a las 11:30 de la mañana. 

    Es recomendable que usen ropa cómoda durante la clase. 

    Los niños y niñas de 8 años en adelante son bienvenidos a participar con sus padres. 

    Costo de las clases: las clases son gratis, pero si gustan patrocinar, cualquier cantidad es bienvenida. 

    No hay que pre-registrase o inscribirse, simplemente llegue al comienzo de la clase, abrimos las puertas 5 a 15 minutos antes de empezar la clase. 

    Al entrar, hay un libro en donde anotar su nombre, esto nos ayuda a contar el número de personas que participan en las clases. 

    Si gustan, pueden agregar su correo electrónico para recibir el boletín informativo de YOCO por correo electrónico. 

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March 2, 2025
  • Jami, Basic Yoga

    March 2, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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March 3, 2025
  • Bill, Basic Yoga

    March 3, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Lori, Slow Flow Vinyasa

    March 3, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    To start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting:
    passcode 266399

    Sponsored by YVM Healthy for Life.
    1. Masks optional for all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with sanitizing all high touch surfaces.
    3. Prop room open; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible.

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  • Lori, Yin Yoga

    March 3, 2025  6:45 pm7:45 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380, Yakima

    Slow-moving with long holds and juicy stretches intended to increase joint mobility and hydrate fascial webs. It’s also highly meditative and introspective, offering plenty of time and space for you to draw your awareness inside.

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March 4, 2025
  • Marsha, Basic Yoga

    March 4, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

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  • Sabra, Belly Dance

    March 4, 2025  6:00 pm7:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    All are welcome. No experience needed. Masks optional.

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  • AcroYoga

    March 4, 2025  7:15 pm9:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Acroyoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. Acroyoga includes many types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted. As such, it also draws on traditions of circus arts, cheerleading, and dance acro. Acroyoga separates into lunar and solar AcroYoga. Solar Acro Yoga embraces dynamic and acrobatic elements and focuses on building strength, trust, and communication between partners. It involves inversions, acrobatic sequences, and synchronized movements that challenge and invigorate. Lunar acro yoga incorporates elements of massage, stretching, and deep relaxation. 
    No experience necessary. Everyone is welcome. Please wear regular yoga attire and bring some water. If you have, bring a yoga mat and yoga blanket. There are some to borrow at the studio if you like.

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March 5, 2025
  • Cindy, Chair Yoga

    March 5, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Fiona, Basic Yoga

    March 5, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    Sponsored by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.  Class is in English.
    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    Patrocinado por YVM Healthy for Life. La clase es en inglés y español.
    1. Máscaras ahora opcionales durante todas las clases en interiores.
    2. Seguimos con el distanciamiento físico y la higienización.
    3. Espacio de utilería abierto para algunos materiales; los estudiantes limpian los accesorios después de cada uso. Limpiar botellas de spray y toallas por la puerta de la habitación de utilería.
    4. Traiga sus propios accesorios si es posible. Por favor traiga toallas para cubrir las sillas de yoga.

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March 6, 2025
  • Debbie, Basic Yoga

    March 6, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Michael, T'ai Chi

    March 6, 2025  2:00 pm3:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Beginning level, all levels welcome, wear comfortable clothes.

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March 7, 2025
  • Marsha, Chair Yoga

    March 7, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Bill, Men's Yoga

    March 7, 2025  12:00 pm1:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Finally Friday

    March 7, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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March 8, 2025
  • TBA, Basic Yoga

    March 8, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

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  • Maria, Básica en Español Yoga

    March 8, 2025  11:30 am12:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Explora los beneficios de yoga asana, o la practica física de yoga. 

    Yoga es una práctica que conecta el cuerpo, la respiración y la mente.  

    Estas clases son para todos niveles, incluyendo personas sin experiencia. 

    No se requiere ser flexible. 

    Las clases incluirán movimientos que ayudan con el balance, estiramiento, fortalecimiento, la respiración, y relajación.

    En nuestro estudio, tenemos mantas de yoga que pueden usar durante la clase.

    Las clases serán en español o bilingües, los sábados a las 11:30 de la mañana. 

    Es recomendable que usen ropa cómoda durante la clase. 

    Los niños y niñas de 8 años en adelante son bienvenidos a participar con sus padres. 

    Costo de las clases: las clases son gratis, pero si gustan patrocinar, cualquier cantidad es bienvenida. 

    No hay que pre-registrase o inscribirse, simplemente llegue al comienzo de la clase, abrimos las puertas 5 a 15 minutos antes de empezar la clase. 

    Al entrar, hay un libro en donde anotar su nombre, esto nos ayuda a contar el número de personas que participan en las clases. 

    Si gustan, pueden agregar su correo electrónico para recibir el boletín informativo de YOCO por correo electrónico. 

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March 9, 2025
  • Jami, Basic Yoga

    March 9, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    See more details

March 10, 2025
  • Bill, Basic Yoga

    March 10, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    1. Masks optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    See more details

  • Lori, Slow Flow Vinyasa

    March 10, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    To start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting:
    passcode 266399

    Sponsored by YVM Healthy for Life.
    1. Masks optional for all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with sanitizing all high touch surfaces.
    3. Prop room open; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible.

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  • Lori, Yin Yoga

    March 10, 2025  6:45 pm7:45 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380, Yakima

    Slow-moving with long holds and juicy stretches intended to increase joint mobility and hydrate fascial webs. It’s also highly meditative and introspective, offering plenty of time and space for you to draw your awareness inside.

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March 11, 2025
  • Marsha, Basic Yoga

    March 11, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

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  • Sabra, Belly Dance

    March 11, 2025  6:00 pm7:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    All are welcome. No experience needed. Masks optional.

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  • AcroYoga

    March 11, 2025  7:15 pm9:00 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    Acroyoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. Acroyoga includes many types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted. As such, it also draws on traditions of circus arts, cheerleading, and dance acro. Acroyoga separates into lunar and solar AcroYoga. Solar Acro Yoga embraces dynamic and acrobatic elements and focuses on building strength, trust, and communication between partners. It involves inversions, acrobatic sequences, and synchronized movements that challenge and invigorate. Lunar acro yoga incorporates elements of massage, stretching, and deep relaxation. 
    No experience necessary. Everyone is welcome. Please wear regular yoga attire and bring some water. If you have, bring a yoga mat and yoga blanket. There are some to borrow at the studio if you like.

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March 12, 2025
  • Cindy, Chair Yoga

    March 12, 2025  10:00 am11:00 am
    5110 Tieton Dr suite 380, Yakima, WA 98908, USA

    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

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  • Fiona, Basic Yoga

    March 12, 2025  5:30 pm6:30 pm
    5110 Tieton Dr., Suite 380

    Sponsored by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.  Class is in English.
    1. Masks now optional during all indoor classes.
    2. We continue with physical distancing and sanitizing.
    3. Prop room open for some materials; students clean props after each use. Cleaning spray bottles and towels by prop room door.
    4. Bring your own props if possible. Please bring towels to cover chairs in yoga.

    Patrocinado por YVM Healthy for Life. La clase es en inglés y español.
    1. Máscaras ahora opcionales durante todas las clases en interiores.
    2. Seguimos con el distanciamiento físico y la higienización.
    3. Espacio de utilería abierto para algunos materiales; los estudiantes limpian los accesorios después de cada uso. Limpiar botellas de spray y toallas por la puerta de la habitación de utilería.
    4. Traiga sus propios accesorios si es posible. Por favor traiga toallas para cubrir las sillas de yoga.

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