Teacher bios 2024
Marsha Threlkeld

Marsha Threlkeld, (she/her) Director of the Yoga Collective of Yakima, Yoga Certifications include RYT 500, E-RYT 200, and YACEP. Marsha teaches all levels of Vinyasa or Flow Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Yoga to Children and those with Special Needs. Her classes share unique sequencing, anatomical correctness, and attention to the Eight Limbs of Yoga. People can expect to use all the basic asanas, while working on strength, stretch, balance, and alignment. Marsha incorporates lessons from life and nature into her classes. She works with students to achieve their individual yoga goals and discover a community of like-minded others. You are invited to increase your yoga knowledge, return to a physical practice after being away, or stay in yoga as you age or experience health care issues. Marsha had a career as a dancer and choreographer performing in Seattle and Tucson. She graduated from the University of Arizona where courses included Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, and Choreography.
Sandra Aguilar

Sandra is a 500-hour RYT registered with Yoga Alliance. She continues to learn and explore in teaching and in her personal yoga practice which includes yoga, meditation and movement. Sandra teaches yoga with longer holds, and no background music during movement practice. She encourages students to set an intention for their practice at the start of class and includes meditation at the end of class. She plays live original flute music during savasana. Yoga has been a source of healing and wellness for Sandra for over 20 years. “It has supported and strengthened me, my physical body, and it has helped me to develop more awareness and connection of body, mind, spirit, others, nature and life in general. It has helped me with balance, coordination and in tapping into a greater sense of peace and calm.” Sandra teaches in both Spanish and English. Teaching mainly on Saturday’s, while not at the studio teaching Sandra enjoys listening to and playing music, the outdoors, hiking, dancing, walking, spending time with family and friends, a nice cup of tea and the many other things life offers.
Sandra es maestra registrada de yoga de 500 horas (RYT) con La Alianza de Yoga (Yoga Alliance). Ella continúa aprendiendo y explorando sobre la enseñanza y en su práctica personal de yoga que incluye yoga, meditación y movimiento. Sandra enseña yoga y guía posturas que se sostienen por tiempo más alargado. No pone música de fondo durante la clase. Anima a estudiantes a que pongan una intención al comienzo de la clase. Incluye meditación al final de la clase y toca música en vivo y original de flauta durante “savasana”. La práctica de yoga ha sido una fuente de sanación y equilibrio durante los últimos 20 años de su vida. “La práctica de yoga me ha apoyado y fortalecido mi cuerpo físico, ayudándome a desarrollar más concientización y conexión con mi cuerpo, mente y espíritu, los demás, la naturaleza y la vida en general. También me ha ayudado con el equilibrio, la coordinación y a aprovechar una mayor sensación de paz y calma interior” Sandra imparte clases en español e inglés. Da clases principalmente los sábados y en su tiempo libre, cuando no está dando clases en el estudio, disfruta escuchar y tocar música, estar al aire libre, senderismo, bailar, pasar tiempo con la familia y los amigos, una buena taza de té y de las muchas otras cosas que ofrece la vida.
Bill Bosch

Bill has been coming to the Yoga Collective since it was founded in 2013. He has enjoyed taking classes from a variety of instructors over many years. With his retirement from Yakama Nation Fisheries in April 2024, Bill’s interest turned to yoga instruction and he enrolled in the My Vinyasa Practice 200 hour on-line teacher training. He expects to complete this course in the fall. Bill earned a black belt in Shudo-Kan Karate from the Yakima School of Karate in 2010. He is also enjoying taking Tai Chi and somatic movement courses from Stillpoint. Bill is presently teaching Basic, Men’s, Chair, and Wilridge yoga classes as his availability allows.
Cindy Chartier

Cindy believes yoga is for everybody with no exceptions. She has twenty years of teaching experience and 30+ years of practice. She has experience with adults and children ranging in ages from 2-93, and in settings to include corporate buildings, fitness clubs, studios, schools, group homes, and universities,
Yoga is a passion and lifestyle for Cindy and she loves to share it in whatever capacity is called for. Teaching styles include Yin, Vinyasa, Hatha, Restorative, Power, and Chair, at all levels.
Cindy began teaching as a volunteer at a local youth home and has never looked back.
Kathy Early

Kathy (she/her) took her first yoga class in 1997 as a graduate student at Washington State University, where her mind was blown! She’s been teaching yoga at YOCO since 2013 and earned her 3-year, RYT-300 certification in 2014. In 2020, Kathy completed an additional 2-year, 200-hr training program, earning her RYT-500. She obtained her yoga training through North Bend Yoga Shala, where she’s been mentored in the Iyengar yoga lineage by her teachers, Matt and Cherene Queen since 2011. When not teaching yoga, she’s worked at Yakima’s only medical school – Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences – since 2007. As a professor of nutrition, Kathy is passionate about about helping people find creative ways to build healthy movement and eating habits. Outside of work and yoga, Kathy is long-married to her high school love, and mom to two teenagers, 2 cats, 1 dog, and 4 chickens. She also loves walking.
Maddie Hicks

Maddie has been involved with YOCO since its inception, and has served as a volunteer coordinator, teacher, and board member. She is proud to continue helping to make free yoga and wellness classes a reality for our community.Maddie started practicing asana in 2008. While living in Seoul, South Korea (2010-11) she completed a 200 hr teacher training and began teaching on the Yongsan army base in Seoul. Maddie continued teaching when she moved to Yakima at the end of 2011 and has practiced and taught ever since. She believes yoga can be an important tool on the path to healing, wholeness, and compassion. Maddie’s classes offer participants an opportunity to slow down and practice listening to their bodies.
Jeanne Maxey

Jeanne Maxey is a dedicated Acro Yoga Teacher experienced in cultivating balance, connection, and community through movement. With a profound passion for building bridges between individuals, Jeanne emphasizes the importance of cooperation and communication in her practice. Her classes not only teach the art of Acro Yoga but also foster a sense of belonging.Throughout her journey, Jeanne has engaged individuals, helping them discover their strength and self-expression while nurturing the bonds that unite them. She believes Acro Yoga is more than just a discipline; it’s a powerful tool for personal growth and community connection.Jeanne’s commitment to the Acro Yoga community is evident in her approach to teaching—she strives to create an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through her expertise and warm personality, she empowers her students to cultivate not just their physical abilities but also their emotional resilience.Join Jeanne on the mat and experience the transformative power of Acro Yoga, where connection and balance lead the way.
Joy McKinney

Joy leads classes in self-care using the yoga of balls and foam rollers. Life can bring physical challenges, and as a former physical therapist and Yoga Alliance-registered yoga instructor, Joy wants to share some of her home practice methods for pain relief, flexibility, and strength. Returnees and all levels are welcome in class, and it’s best to be able to get up and down from the floor.
Michael Moritz

Michael Reed Moritz is trained in Yang Style T’ai Chi; traditional Yoga; Massage Therapy; Neuromuscular Release Technique; Hanna©️ Somatic Education; Feldenkrais®️ Method of Somatic Education; Somatic Bodywork; Meditation and Mindfulness Practices. His primary focus these days is in unwinding stress and pain with Somatic Slow Movement classes and improving balance, energy and leg strength with T’ai Chi practice.
Maria Perez

Maria was introduced to yoga in 2011. Over time, she practiced hatha and vinyasa at the Yoga Hot Spot in Yakima, WA. She also attended restorative and basic yoga classes offered at YOCO. The opportunity arose for yoga teacher training at the Yoga Collective of Yakima. She completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training lead by Michele McGinnis, March of 2020. Since completion of the training at YOCO, Maria has been teaching basic yoga classes both in English and Spanish at YOCO.Her goal is to help make yoga accessible and to help cultivate a welcoming practice where the student can continue at home. Her classes focus on breathwork, balance, and strength.Maria has attended Hatha teacher training and most recently Pilates Mat 1 training. She works as a nurse practitioner in emergency medicine.When not teaching or working, she enjoys spending time with her children and husband, practicing yoga, Pilates, CrossFit and training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
María se introdujo en el yoga en 2011 en un estudio de yoga caliente en Yakima. Con el tiempo, practicó hatha y vinyasa en el Yoga Hot Spot ubicado en Yakima, WA. También asistió a clases de yoga restaurativo y básico que se ofrecían en YOCO. En el verano de 2019, surgió la oportunidad en el Colectivo de Yoga de Yakima para la formación de profesores de yoga. Completó su primera formación de profesores de yoga de 200 horas dirigida por Michele McGinnis, en marzo de 2020. Desde que finalizó la formación en YOCO, María ha estado impartiendo clases básicas de yoga tanto en inglés como en español en YOCO.Como profesora de yoga desde hace 4 años, su objetivo es ayudar a que el yoga sea accesible y ayudar a cultivar una práctica donde el estudiante pueda continuar en casa. Sus clases se centran en la respiración, el equilibrio y la fuerza.María ha continuado su educación en yoga y ha asistido a la formación de profesores de Hatha y, más recientemente, a la formación de Pilates Mat 1. Además de enseñar, trabaja como enfermera practicante avanzada en medicina de emergencia.Cuando no está enseñando o trabajando, le gusta pasar tiempo con sus hijos y su esposo, practicar yoga, pilates, CrossFit y entrenar en jiu jitsu brasileño.
Jami Pottratz

Jami began her journey with yoga in 2003 when she attended a pre-natal yoga class in Phoenix, AZ. “That first trimester of pregnancy was awful and I was trying anything to feel better. I attended a pre-natal yoga class in hopes of feeling better and found so much more! Not only did I walk out of that studio feeling like a whole new woman but a desire to give this peace to others became my mission. Jami believes yoga should be available to everyone and thus modifies all her classes to fit anyone that walks in the door. Over the years, Jami’s style has shifted to a more gentle flow focus and she is currently completing a certificate in Restorative Yin. Jami is a level 2 instructor through YogaFit and is currently completing her 500-hour Yoga Alliance certificate.
Jessica Preuschoff

Jessica is one half of the AcroYoga Teaching Duo. I received my AcroYoga Jam Certification in 2019 and my Yoga Instructor Certification in 2023. My passion has always been in movement, especially in acrobatics and therapeutics. Besides AcroYoga I enjoy hiking, reading, and being in nature. Professionally, I am a pediatric occupational therapist at Children’s Village. Through my work as an occupational therapist, I completed many hours of continued education course work in Yoga for Tots, Yoga in Schools, Hypermobility, core strength, idiopathic arthritis, brain integration therapy, and Tai Chi for rehab.I love teaching others about AcroYoga; the acrobatics, the therapeutic applications, and the differences between the lunar and solar aspects of AcroYoga are some of my favorite parts to teach and explore. I find so much joy in seeing people’s excitement after they have mastered a new skill during class. It is always such an honor to witness and support people on their yoga journeys as I continue with mine.
Debbie Rhoads

Debbie has been practicing yoga for six years, teaching for four and completed my YTT200-HR certification in 2023. A back injury in 2017 left me with chronic pain and diminishing physical capabilities. The challenge of living with constant discomfort and pain prompted the beginning of my yoga journey. However, it is the overall health benefits I receive through my practice that continue to motivate me as a practitioner and a teacher. I work to use my experience to encourage others my age to create a sustainable practice that will improve their quality of life without further injury.Teaching to an older population with a wide variety of experience and ability has challenged me in several ways. One is to always offer modifications for anyone experiencing pain and limitations from a recent injury or medical procedure. Another challenge has been finding variations of basic poses that keep the sequences interesting without inviting students to do more than they can safely do. Setting achievable goals and keeping classes varied and interesting requires planning and research into possible variations. Clear cueing is critical when offering variations of familiar poses, as well as new poses, and I constantly work on this aspect of my teaching. And, always, the goal is building strength, flexibility and balance for a healthier life.
Laura Romero

Being disconnected from ourselves and from others is normal for us. Over time, we learn how to do that from our surroundings and personal experiences. But, as human beings and as an integral part of nature, we are born knowing how to connect. Taking a trauma-informed lens and healing centered approach, Laura curates gentle, slow-paced, basic yoga classes that cultivate introspection, and greater connection to one’s body, all the while promoting relaxation. Her focus as an instructor is to help guide participants in accessing the inner wellspring of stillness and peace that is available inside of everybody. She completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2020 with the Yoga Collective of Yakima, as well as completed a Trauma-Informed Yoga Training with Yoga Behind Bars. She was guided towards a yoga practice via her own personal healing journey and believes there is a lot of healing and wellbeing that the practice of yoga can offer. She enjoys experimenting and playing with different practices and techniques for nervous system regulation such as breath work, spending time in nature, sound healing frequencies, and free form dance movement. She aims to incorporate these nervous system regulating techniques into her class offerings.
Estar desconectados de nosotros mismos y de los demás se ah normalizado. Con el tiempo, aprendemos cómo aislarnos de nuestro entorno y experiencias personales. Pero, como seres humanos y como parte integral de la naturaleza, nacemos sabiendo como conectarnos. Con una perspectiva centrada en el trauma y un enfoque centrado en la sanacion del ser, Laura imparte clases de yoga básicas, suaves y de ritmo lento que cultivan la introspección y una mayor conexión con el cuerpo, al mismo tiempo promueven la relajación. Su enfoque como instructora es guiar a los participantes a acceder a la fuente interior de tranquilidad y paz que está disponible dentro de todos. Laura completó su formación de maestra de yoga de 200 horas en 2020 con el Yoga Collective de Yakima, y también completó una certificacion de yoga con enfoque en los traumas con Yoga Behind Bars. Fue guiada hacia la práctica del yoga a través de su propio camino a la sanacion personal y cree que la práctica del yoga puede ofrecer mucha mejoria y bienestar. Le gusta experimentar y jugar con diferentes prácticas y enfoques para la regulación del sistema nervioso, como el trabajo de respiración, pasar tiempo en la naturaleza, frecuencias curativas de sonido y movimientos de danza de forma libre. Su objetivo es incorporar estas técnicas de regulación del sistema nervioso en sus clases.
Haley Yoerger

Haley is a yoga enthusiast who loves to personally practice all styles ranging from acro yoga to yin. Her teaching style focuses on somatic awareness and spiritual healing modalities. Oracle, astrology, meditation, breath work, and intuitive movement. She also loves spending time with her daughter, training Brazilian jiu jitsu, and of course anything to do with astrology.Haley uses her gift of channeling to drop veils, illuminating your unconscious patterning. She focuses on reconnecting you to your bodies innate wisdom, by reprogramming the mind in a solution-focused healing process, leaving you with a better awareness to navigate your life with greater ease.
Lori White

Lori is a 500 hour Yoga Alliance Registered instructor. She began teaching in 2009 and has been practicing since she was a teenager. Her passion lies within making yoga accessible to all and teaching people to practice physical asana within their functional mobility ranges for a sustainable yoga practice. Lori believes yoga is so much more encompassing than a physical asana practice. It is a philosophy, a way of life, a state of being, and a physical practice. She firmly believes if you are interested in yoga, there is a style, practice, and a path for you! There are many paths, Lori works with you to find your way.